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BestOnTop Top40
Connect to the good musical vibe with a Top40 entertainment ride through time and find out about the most relevant of the hits of your favorite artists.
Duration: approximately 60 minutes (can vary from 58 to 62 minutes)
Music genre: Mixed Rock, Alternative pop, reggae, country, r & b, EDM, Dance, hip-hop (except Tropical and Reguetón / URBANO)
Frequency: delivery of new episodes Weekly.
Validity: Timeless format, can be reused until the end of the world.
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Flash Informativo
A sound proposal with the world event of Entertainment, Innovation, Sports, Well-being and Amenities, in a comfortable and friendly musical format for you.
Duration: approximately 20 minutes (can vary from 18 to 23 minutes)
Music genre: Mixed Rock, Alternative pop, reggae, country, r & b, EDM, Dance, URBAN of the most stylized. (except Tropical)
Frequency: delivery of new episodes Weekly.
Validity: Timeless format, but with some validity according to the news.
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60 Segundos
Short magazine information that can vary between: Art, music, cinema, sport, technology, curiosities.
Duration: 60 seconds and a little more (but always less than 2 minutes)
Music genre: Does not contain entertainment music.
Frequency: delivery of daily episodes (Monday to Friday).
Validity: Timeless format, but with some validity according to the news.
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Micros of social awareness, on Pedestrians, Drivers of vehicles, bicycles, conservation of the environment, Covid-19 protection, etc.
Duration: 60 seconds maximum although it may vary.
Music genre: Does not contain entertainment music.
Frequency: Production of episodes according to customer demand.
Validity: Timeless format can be reused until the end of the world.
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#1 Billboard Hot 100
Cápsula Narración Musical de uno de los temas que se posicionaron en el #1 de la Billboard HOT 100 a traves del tiempo 🎙 PAULA MORAO.
Duración: 4 minutos aproximados (puede variar dependiendo de la longitud de la canción )
Género musical: General
Frecuencia: entrega de episodios nuevos Semanal.
Vigencia: Formato atemporal, puede ser reutilizado hasta el fin del mundo.
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5 Cosas
Information of the most relevant worldwide, journalistic news storytelling, based on the wording provided by the CNN news network in Spanish.
Duration: 3 to 4 minutes (depending on the news)
Music genre: Does not contain entertainment music.
Frequency: daily episode delivery Monday to Friday (according to customer demand)
Validity: Timeless format, but with some validity according to the news.
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🎸ROCKESTRA Class “Retro Rock”🎸 ¡Porque lo bueno siempre vale la pena, volverlo a escuchar! Envuelve tus emociones con los sonidos de la vieja escuela junto a 🎙 PAULA MORAO.
Duración: 60 minutos aproximados (puede variar desde 58 a 62 minutos)
Género musical: Rock Retro Anglo
Frecuencia: entrega de episodios nuevos Quincenal.
Vigencia: Formato atemporal, puede ser reutilizado hasta el fin del mundo.
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BestOnTop LatinMusic
Connect to the good musical vibe with a Latin Music entertainment ride through time and find out about the most relevant of the hits of your favorite artists from the Urban world.
Duration: approximately 60 minutes (can vary from 58 to 62 minutes)
Music genre: Urban Pop, Dance, EDM, Reggaeton of the most stylized.
Frequency: delivery of new episodes Weekly.
Validity: Timeless format, can be reused until the end of the world.
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